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Bachmann 37-672 Set of 14T Tank Wagons British Tar Products Ltd (WEATHERED)

Product Code: A01151


Availability: 1 in stock

Bachmann 37-672 Set of 14T Tank Wagons British Tar Products Ltd (WEATHERED)


Preowned, in good condition. Free running on metal wheels. A lovely set of three tank wagons, effectively weathered at the factory for added authenticity. Must have for a mixed freight train.

Complete and undamaged, all wagons very clean and with NEM couplings. Numbered 102, 104 and 105.

Box has seen better days and is quite worn across the front, the edges are also fraying. Provides ample protection to the models however.

Model condition 9/10 Box condition 7/10

Uploaded 08/02/2023